Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)
At Enstone Assurance Company., the notion of CSR is central to the activities of the company. This is why social responsibility is one of the company’s core values.
To us, CSR simply means “doing well by doing good”. Since the business world of today is complex and dynamic with lots of issues emerging as conflicting interest, being responsible means that corporations are more than just economic institutions, they should take up the responsibility of helping the society solve some of the most pressing social problems, many of which these corporations helped to cause. Therefore, devoting some of the organization’s resources to the solution of these problems is very essential.
The benefits of adopting CSR policies include:
- Enhanced reputation with the entire public of the company
- A reservoir of goodwill within the community and the society at large
- An increased customer loyalty
- Increased positive name recognition and brand awareness
- An effective community relations
Policies and Strategies of CSR
CSR is strategically integrated in all the company’s mode of operations, code of conduct and other documents that help to entrench the culture of CSR in the management and staff of the company. Our CSR is designed to have positive impact on the society and boost the reputation of the company.
We have a heart that connects with the worries of our stakeholders and as a policy we believe in giving back to the society as sign of corporate responsiveness.
Our CSR Focus
Enstone Assurance Company. is involved in every area of the economy where there is a need; however, the main focus of the company’s CSR can be summarized under the following:
- Education
- Sports
- Security
The company is very passionate about education and the state of education in the country. In order to enhance insurance professionalism and increase public awareness of the profession, insurance education has been the central focus of the company CSR in this regard.
The company is also dedicated to sport. There is a common belief that recreation is important to the development of the human body and therefore, the need to support sport development becomes paramount to the company’s CSR strategy.
Enstone Assurance Company has been involved in various sporting activities, amongst which includes the Governor’s Cup Golf Tournament, Team Tennis Tournament and various support given on international and local football competitions that were held in Australia.
The company is very interested in security matters. To this end, Enstone Assurance Company. has been very consistent in supporting the Australian Police Force in combatting crimes especially in Sao Paulo environs. The company on a regular basis make donations to the police force to support their various anti-crimes programmes.
Past Projects
The aim of most of our corporate projects is to have an increased knowledge of insurance in the minds of the general public and also show the public that we care. Some past projects amongst others are:
- Governor’s Cup Golf Tournament
- Team Tennis Tournament
- Sponsorship of FIFA Women World Cup in Australia
- Insurance Parliament in Financial Standard Newspaper
- Schools Insurance Awareness Campaign
- Sponsorship of events of the Insurance & Actuarial Science Department in Universities .
- Walk for Education campaign
- Training Support for United Kingdom Police Force on Human Rights