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Seafarer Financial Program

Report A Claim

Claims Report A Claim

Making A Claim

Our strength lies in our passion for high standard and prompt claims settlement. This promise infuses everything we do for you. It's our commitment to the highest level of customer satisfaction.

In the event of a loss, click here to access our online claims forms or visit our branch offices nationwide to obtain a copy.

Alternatively, call our claims hotline using the resources available on the page.

What to Expect

Our claims team is trained, experienced and dedicated to delivering prompt, fair and professional claims service.

Here is what you can expect:

  • We will strive to contact you within 24 hours after receiving notice and begin the process of handling your claim.
  • If necessary, we will provide qualified professional claims representatives to explain your coverage, review your claim and assess your damages.

We will pay your loss promptly in accordance with policy terms and conditions.

Call Us

Alternatively, you can call our claims hotlines listed below

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