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Home Owners Insurance

Customised Products Home Owners Insurance

Purpose of Insurance

This insurance is for every person who owns or is in possession of a house. It covers not only public liability but the fixtures and fittings, valuables and actual building.

Available Compensations

  • Although we offer several types of ompensation which are subject to the type of property insured, the insurance cover provides compensation equivalent to the market value or the cost of replacement
  • The actual value is offered where the items have depreciated.

Types of Risks covered

The types of risks against which the cover seeks to protect are subject to the type of property and may include the following:

  • liability towards the general public
  • Loss or damage as a result of misfortune or accident
  • Burglary, housebreaking, larceny or theft
  • Fire and associated dangers
  • All Risk Cover for valuables

What the insurance will not cover

The issue of whether the insurance cover applies in subject to the type of property as highlighted below:

  1. Contents and valuables stored inside the premises;
  2. Loss or damage to consumable articles, money, securities, stamps, bullion, livestock, motor vehicles and pedal cycle, deeds, bonds and promissory notes, shares, books and manuscripts, loose precious stones and valuables;
  3. Burglary, housebreaking, larceny or theft committed by any employee of the insured's family and any member of the insured's family as a principal or an accessory.

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